Saturday, June 7, 2008
I speak from experience. I was the girl whos peers learned her name to ridicule her and the poster girl for undatable. But there were always those that looked past the surface and ignored the stories and taunts and took the time to get to know the real me. And those are the best friends to keep decades after high school.
I designed this site so those of us secure in being who we are despite the jeers past or present can help those having difficulties fitting in to know it gets better. And to have a place to discuss things of interest to people who appreciate that everyone has differences and should be accepted for them, and everyone feels put down or left out at one time or another.
Entertainment; Television, Literature, Music, and Feature Films that Nerds can especially relate to. Discuss it here in MY OUTCAST ENTERTAINMENT PICKS. What makes it special? What feelings does it bring out? Why would other outcasts enjoy it?
Personally I feel proud to say I'm a NERD, because I know that what I'm saying is that I look deeper than skin surface when choosing my friends. And I know how it feels to be put down and would never ridicule someone else. (Some people bully others to feel better about themselves, because they're trying to fit in too)
Unfortunately when people hear the word NERD it conjurs images of Thick dark framed glasses and buck teeth with braces and high IQ computer pros with a love for school work. I was never any of that.
The ones who got braces were fortunate, because eventually they would have that beautiful smile. How many out there with less than perfect smiles wish that your families could've afforded that?
Geeks aren't all geeky. Many outcasts don't look any less attractive than anyone else. School kids most commonly gage popularity by how you dress or make yourself up. School kids never let go of the past. A nerdy reputation can be built out of something meaningless from grade school and stay with you till your senior year.
Stylish clothing is the most costly. Not every family has the budget to keep up with whats in. Single parent households may have lower incomes. And not all kids are observant enough to know what they should buy.
Parents may see high end fashion as a waste of money, while kids have no real concept of what it takes to earn the money to clothe them.
And if the parents with the income make all the clothing choices you could end up with the kind of clothes someone over forty would wear or stuff that was in style twenty years ago.
WHAT WOULD YOU CHANGE IF YOU COULD? While I had friends at school I never sought them out for activities outside of school. For any school age kids I would recommend you to socialize at each others homes or other places and not wait until yearbook season to exchange phone numbers to keep in touch. It's too difficult to try and track down and gather info for everyone you want to stay friends with at the end of the year before those a year ahead of you graduate never to be seen at school again or till you graduate yourself leaving all your peers and those a year behind you. If I had thought of that sooner I may've been able to keep more of my friends after high school and not loose touch with as many as I did. And socializing out of school can be more quality without time constraints. Also you can meet more of your friend's other friends and have more possibilities of more people getting to know you. While I say not to change who you are, I realized that socializing out of school could have helped my popularity. Between classes is not a lot of time for more people to get to know you enough to ignore the rubes. Be true to who you are, but try to show more people who that is.
What do you think of the word NERD or GEEK Stereo Types? Is there a better word for Outcasts?
How do you feel about Fashion? Do you dress for self expression or what are your issues?
Have you learned something a little late? Can you advice someone to do it better? Tell us. What would you change?
I can hear some skeptics out there saying, "So what. What's the big deal about entertainment? Movies are just made up fiction. The outcast always wins in the end, but the real world sucks. Nobody cares."
It may seem like you can't win, but winning doesn't mean becoming mister or miss popularity. Winning can be just knowing that you are perfect just the way you are and finding good friends who appreciate you. You are worth being liked for who you are. Don't let anyone tell you different.
As for nobody caring, you're wrong. Even made up fiction means a lot, because the artists that made the stories up had to care. Artists and writers don't create things they don't care about. We put a lot of ourselves in our stories.
Real people with feelings just like yours made up the fiction. And we make these stories to appeal to everyone's better nature. People like stories about the underdog because everyone has felt that way at least once. You're not as alone as you might think. Sometimes you just have to look harder for the people who care, but they're there.
Disney Animated Features and Music
"The Hunchback of Notre Dame"
The character of Quazimodo bears features that have a strong resemblance to real life people with downs syndrome. And I can recall some with this condition walking with hunched posture. And though their features can be strangely different, they can be very endearing and look adorable. Disney did a wonderful job in capturing the feeling in his face and voice by Tom Hulce in both part 1 and 2.
Part 1 had especially good music with Lyrics we can relate to.
makes a beautiful point of Jesus suffering ridicule as an outcast like us.
shows an intense desire to be one of the crowd just like everyone else.
is about the desire for love when you don't feel you look good enough for it to happen to you.
From a legend in China she's a young girl that is more independant and opinionated than her culture allows a woman to be, making her an outcast that needs to find her way and feel that she's worth something. It's primarily about not comprimising yourself to fit in, and staying true to who you are.
The best song coming from this film keeps those sentiments.
was redone for the end credits by Christina Aguilera.
Feature Film
"She's All That"
A senior girl is a social outcast that only makes the changes she wants to for herself without loosing her personality, and shows the school she was never as undatable as everyone thought.
Popular Music
Smash Mouth Lyricist GREG CAMP
"Everyone cares cuz the hat that he wears is on the wrong way."
"They're just beating eachother at BEing eachother...anything strange is wrong." This song depicts how individuality is shun and cool fashion is just copying eachother.
"The bond may be big, but it ain't deep if you dig, on the in set."
This one depicts how superficial it is to have friends who only care how popular you are. Truthfully, a few REAL friends beat out a crowd of followers.
"Star Trek" seriesSome of the best plots from the various Star Trek episodes are when characters that aren't regarded as typical life forms, because they are not flesh and blood, have to prove that humanity is more than skin deep;and that feeling emotions is all that's required to be real. Like in the case of Data the android on the Next Generation series and the holographic Doctor on the Voyager series. The star trek series all take place in the ideal future where differences are overlooked and all beings are judged by their humanity."Little House On The Prarie" series
One of my favorites is when laura as a child befriends a young girl named Inga who was born with one leg shorter than the other. She's not really picked on but most of the kids think nothing of excluding her from the games they all play. The more I thought about it the more episodes of Little House with this relatable kind of content I could recall. Tell us about any you know. Little House is still aired on KBYU at 6pm mountain or on cable as well as on DVD.
This book shows some of the heaviest ridicule and is completely left out of the movie.
I fell in love with the JK Rowling books. Harry Potter is very much an outcast. With his aunt and Uncle in the human world he's a cinderella frowned on and force to keep his head down. In the wizard world where he has friends and considers them real family he's a different kind of outcast. Sometimes he's admired, but he's often misunderstood except by the few closest to him. He's a tragic kind of hero who endures a lot of pain and suffering and manages to cope through it all. The movies leave a lot of the depth of Harry out.
DO YOU KNOW WHERE WE COULD FIND CERTAIN SERIES EPISODES, MOVIES, OR MUSIC; if they're available to download, rent, or purchase on CD, DVD, or VHS?